Francisco José Portela León
Universidad Autónoma De Chile, Chile
Statement of the Problem: There are investigations in the area of ultraviolet light that aim to improve that body assimilation more effectively. The photofunctionalization removes hydrocarbons that inevitably contaminate the surfaces of titanium or zirconium, causing that the interaction with the body is diminished and for that reason we have BIC (Bone Implant Contac) of 75 or 80%. This technology achieves a super-hydrophilicity like other surfaces as the SLA active that the affinity with the body is improved, being able to achieve osseointegration with 100% BIC, quadrupling the rate of osseointegration, achieving a bacteriostatic effect and without GAPs between bone and implant surface.
It is also known that it is a biological seal of the attachments of our implants with the gum, for this the photofunctionalization also creates super-hydrophilic surfaces that better adhere to the fibroblasts of the gum. To be able to irradiate all our attachments that are in contact with the gum and to carry out more aesthetic and lasting treatments over time, would be that we would all like to achieve.
Conclusion & Significance: Innovation, to be able to deliver superhydrophilicity to implants, abutments, meshes, etc, without the need of any chemical treatment, without incorporating Calcium, hydroxyapatite or phosphate to the surfaces; only with the light of an LED, LEDs that exist in the market for a long time and other industries use it for disinfection of water, surfaces and air; dry printing inks, etc. It only requires joining two industries of ultraviolet light with implants (Dental and orthopedic). My proposal is to achieve a package for implants that contains LEDs that photoactivate the surfaces at the moment before the surgery and the surfaces have their greatest potential.
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