Thursday, March 28, 2019

Inlays and Onlays: The Indirect Filling Options

Inlays and onlays are dental restorations used by a select number of dentists. In certain cases, they are a more conservative alternative to full coverage dental crowns. Also known as indirect fillings, inlays and onlays offer a well-fitting, stronger, longer lasting reparative solution to tooth decay or similar damage. These restorations are beneficial from both an esthetic and functional point of view.

Inlays and onlays can often be used in place of traditional dental fillings to treat tooth decay or similar structural damage. Whereas dental fillings are molded into place within the mouth during a dental visit, inlays and onlays are fabricated indirectly in a dental lab before being fitted and bonded to the damaged tooth by your dentist.

The restoration is dubbed an “inlay” when the material is bonded within the center of a tooth. Conversely, the restoration is dubbed an “onlay” when the extent of the damage requires inclusion of one or more cusps (points) of the tooth or full coverage of the biting surface.

The Benefits of the Conservative Approach
Superior Fit: They offer a conservative preparation that preserves as much healthy tooth as possible. They are a great choice if you have minimal to moderate tooth decay that extends into a flossing area, offering an excellent alternative to full coverage crowns.

Tooth Color: Boasting esthetic longevity, they are not likely to discolor over time as tooth-colored resin fillings often do.

Tooth Structure Safeguard: They preserve the maximum amount of healthy tooth structure while restoring decayed or damaged areas, helping to ensure functional longevity.

Easy Tooth Cleaning: Because the fit is tailored at all edges and the preparation minimal, your tooth can be easier to clean than it would be with full coverage restorative alternatives such as a dental crown. Composite fillings can shrink during the curing process, whereas prefabricated porcelain or gold inlays/onlays will not (ensuring a precise fit).

Tight Space Fulfillments: If you have a cavity between your teeth, consider an inlay rather than a direct composite filling. They are better at sealing teeth to keep out bacteria; they are easy to clean, will not stain and offer exceptional longevity.

Strength and Stability: They are extremely stable restorative solutions for the treatment of decay. The superior fit and durable material make them a stable choice that can actually strengthen a damaged tooth.

Weak Tooth Protector: An onlay can protect the weak areas of the tooth. The procedure does not require the complete reshaping of the tooth.

The Procedure
Typically, an inlay or onlay procedure is completed in two dental visits.

During your first visit, your dentist must prepare the damaged tooth. A molded impression of the tooth is then taken and sent to a dental laboratory, where the restoration is fabricated.

Inlays and onlays can be made from gold, porcelain or resin materials. The difference is in the appearance of the finished restoration. A fitted, provisional restoration (sometimes known as a temporary or “temp” for short) in the shape of the final restoration can be created during this visit to protect the tooth while the final restoration is being fabricated.

Your dentist might discuss with you the best type of material to use. If esthetics is not a concern (for example, with back molars), gold is the best option. Porcelain offers the best esthetics and are often used in the “smile line” areas. Resin materials may be the best option for people who grind their teeth and/or those with a misaligned bite (malocclusion).

During your second visit, the provisional temporary is removed and your inlay or onlay is placed.

They are extremely stable restorations that seldom fail. Your dentist will check all margins to ensure a smooth fit with tight adjacent contacts. Your dentist will also check your bite to ensure that there are no occlusion-related problems affecting the margins of the restoration. Once fitted, the restoration is bonded onto the tooth and the margins are polished.

What Does the Future Hold?
The materials used to fabricate inlays and onlays continue to evolve and become more natural and tooth-like in terms of structure, how they wear and their longevity. Their use for restorative purposes is not likely to be replaced by another treatment any time soon due to the combination of excellent functional longevity and esthetic naturalness associated with inlays and onlays. In fact, maintaining tooth color over the course of your lifetime may be further enhanced as the materials continue to improve, adding to the esthetic value of the restoration.

Selecting The Right Dentist
There is no formal training offered for porcelain inlays and onlays in dental school and the number of continuing education courses is limited. As a result, there are a relatively small number of dentists who perform this type of procedure. If you want porcelain, it’s important that you make sure your dentist is able to offer that material type.

Some dentists receive training while working closely with their dental laboratory where the technicians are very willing to provide feedback on the best design. Some dentists have technology in their office that allows them to send images of your damaged tooth to a technician so that they can discuss optimal treatment options during your consultation. Dental technicians may also assist with treatment planning for upcoming cases by communicating in real-time with your dentist while you are in the chair.

How Much do They Cost?

  • The average cost for inlays is $250 to $1,500, and for onlays, between $350 and $1,500, on average. This cost can be impacted by a variety of factors, including:
  • The dentist performing the procedure. Some dentists have more experience than others and so their fees may reflect their experience and training.
  • Your location – the cost of inlay and onlay services can vary in different locations.
  • The tooth or teeth being worked on – back teeth are more difficult to prepare and work on than front teeth.
  • The type of material used – gold can be more expensive than other materials (depending on the gold market) and porcelain can be more expensive if fabricated by a highly skilled technician.
  • The size of the inlay or onlay – larger onlays cost more than smaller inlays.

Dental insurance companies place inlays and onlays in either the ‘basic’ or ‘major’ service category.

The basic category provides coverage for dental fillings, cleanings and other routine dental services. Your dental insurance may have a pre-set limit for basic services, or a percentage (say 80 percent) of the usual and customary inlay/onlay fees for your area.

If your dental insurance company places them in the major category (like full coverage dental crowns), it could mean that you will be reimbursed at the 50 percent coverage rate.

Typically, a dental office that provides inlay and onlay services will know the reimbursement rates offered by your insurance company because they have had many dealings with local insurance carriers. As always, keep in mind that reimbursement rates vary between carriers and in different areas of the country. You can ask your dental provider to submit for a pre-treatment estimate from your insurance company to get a better idea of your insurance benefit.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Bonding vs Crowns

No matter how well you take care of your teeth, chips happen. Tooth chipping is an issue that many people deal with at one time or another in their life. Fortunately, repairing a chipped tooth can be relatively straightforward and minimally invasive. There are a variety of restorative options to consider, including fillings, veneers, bonding and crowns. In this feature, we evaluate dental bonding versus dental crowns.

How They Work
Bonding refers to the permanent attachment of dental materials to your teeth using adhesives and high-intensity curing light. Dental bonding comes in two primary forms: direct composite bonding (repairing chips, cracks or filling cavities) and adhesive bonding (used with crowns, bridges, veneers, inlays/onlays, etc.).

Direct composite bonding is typically performed in a single visit and serves as a less expensive solution for minor tooth issues such as chips or cracks. In contrast, adhesive bonding is not the primary restorative tool. Rather, it simply serves as the “glue” that holds that restoration in place.

Bonding requires rubber dam isolation of the teeth to prevent moisture leaks. A gentle phosphoric acid solution is applied to the teeth (acid etching) to help strengthen the bond. The acid is removed after 15 seconds and the bonding material applied. Once in place, a high-intensity curing light seals the bond.
Minor sensitivity might be felt after placement but should be short-lived. Keep in mind that composite bonding materials are prone to chipping, so avoid chewing on pens, ice, fingernails or other hard objects.

Crowns are tooth restorations used to preserve the functionality of damaged teeth. Also referred to as “caps,” dental crowns are most commonly used to protect a cracked or chipped tooth, restore structure functionality the following decay, or even replace a pre-existing crown. The custom-designed crown (typically gold, all-ceramic or porcelain fused to metal) encases the damaged tooth, protecting it from further damage.

Tooth impressions can be taken during an initial crown consultation. Treatment planning will be discussed, including the type of anesthesia to use and whether a temporary crown will be needed. If your dentist uses a dental laboratory for fabrication, the impression will be sent there and a temporary crown will be placed. If your dentist offers chairside CAD/CAM, the crown will be milled in office and no temporary crown or return visit will be needed.

As with bonding, you are advised to avoid chewing hard objects after having a crown placed. People who habitually clench or grind their teeth may be advised to use the aid of a mouth guard while sleeping to protect crown longevity.

Are you a Candidate?

Bonding candidacy is not overly selective. In fact, chances are you’ve had dental bonding at one point or another (having a cavity filled or a crown attached, etc.). During your consultation, your dentist will conduct an oral health evaluation to ensure that you do not have any underlying concerns that might preclude you from undergoing treatment; issues such as tooth decay or gum disease must be treated prior to performing dental bonding. Bonding may not be an option if your teeth are severely damaged or disfigured. Large cracks, chips or gaps may require a more involved restorative measure such as crowns or veneers.

Your dentist may suggest that you have teeth whitening before bonding in order to better match the composite material with the tooth color. After whitening, you will need to wait upwards of 21 days before undergoing bonding treatment in order to ensure a durable bond.

Dental crown candidacy is determined by your dentist after a thorough oral health evaluation. Tooth health must be such that it can support the crown. If the underlying tooth or root is beyond repair, then extraction may be required and a bridge or implant option employed instead of a straightforward crown. This can be considerably more expensive than standard crown placement. As with bonding candidacy, general oral health must also be evaluated before crown placement. Gum disease, decay or other underlying oral health concerns must be treated to accommodate crown placement.

Cost of Bonding vs Crowns

The cost of any dental treatment can vary from case to case — bonding and crowns included.

Dental bonding, in particular, is difficult to price because the cost of adhesive bonding is rolled into the cost of whatever restorative procedure it is being used for. In other words, dental crown placement requires adhesive bonding, so the cost of crowns includes bonding.

That said, the cost of direct composite bonding can range between $350 and $600 per tooth. The cost of indirect bonding associated with something like veneers can range between $700 and $1,500 per tooth.

The cost of dental crowns is easier to estimate and ranges between $1,000 and $3,500. When cared for appropriately, a dental crown will last 10 to 15 years.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Can Baby Teeth Predict Autism?

Baby teeth (also called primary teeth) are present from birth and begin to come in between six months to a year. Aside from being teeny tiny and adorable, baby teeth offer a great introduction to child dental health. From brushing and flossing to early visits with a pediatric dentist (and perhaps the odd bit of cash from the tooth fairy), baby teeth play an important role in child development. Perhaps even more than previously thought thanks to new research out of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. Researchers believe that baby teeth could be key to predicting autism risk. It’s all down to how two specific elements (zinc and copper) are metabolized.

According to one of the study’s lead authors, “we have identified cycles in nutrient metabolism that are apparently critical to healthy neurodevelopment, and are dysregulated in autism spectrum disorder.” Essentially, they’ve been able to identify an abnormality in the metabolic process of autistic children by studying their baby teeth and comparing the results with those of healthy children. And it could open the door to a whole new way of approaching the fight against autism.

How Baby Teeth Helped
When it comes to baby teeth there isn’t all that much to know. We only have them for a few years before the permanent teeth erupt, and if we’re lucky, we might be able to exchange them for a small payday courtesy of the tooth fairy. But it turns out that baby teeth have a far more elaborate (and helpful) story to tell.

During development in the womb and throughout childhood, baby teeth form a new layer every single day. This is important because the chemicals circulating throughout the body are imprinted on these layers, documenting exposure levels to things like zinc and copper. And because this layering is a daily process, the imprinting offers a chronological record of exposure that is essential for understanding the effects that abnormal metabolic cycles can have on neurological development. 
Researchers used lasers to sample the layers of baby teeth collected from Swedish twins — one of whom was autistic. Through comparison of their reconstructed exposures, it was determined that the autistic sibling had vastly different levels of copper and zinc in their teeth. What’s not clear is whether the metabolic abnormality has a causative role in the development of autism, or whether the excess zinc and copper is a traceable byproduct of the condition.

The findings were substantiated by three additional studies: one looking at non-twin siblings living in New York City, and two evaluating two pairs of unrelated children from the United Kingdom and Texas. In each case, the zinc and copper abnormalities tracked with the initial Swedish study.

This is the first study of its kind to be able to identify a biomarker for predicting autism with an impressive 90 percent accuracy.

Rewriting the Diagnostic/Treatment Process for Autism

When you consider the fact that approximately 1 in 68 U.S. children is identified as autistic by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this research has groundbreaking potential in the understanding of how autism develops; and how it might be prevented.

Although autism experts are quick to point out that this research is in its infancy and unlikely to have any immediate clinical application, it does suggest that such biomarkers could be used to develop new diagnostic testing protocols for early postnatal life. I.e. predicting a child’s risk for autism far earlier than the current diagnostic protocols allow, and potentially opening the door to early treatment that can counter its progression.

According to researchers, if autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is diagnosed at a younger age, parents can take advantage of the early introduction of therapies.” What’s more, the methodologies of this study could have implications that extend beyond the diagnosis and treatment of autism, helping to predict other neurodevelopmental disorders.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Composite vs. Porcelain Veneers

Composite vs. Porcelain Veneers – Choosing the Right Material

Choosing to have dental veneers placed is the first step to improving the aesthetics of your teeth and getting that winning smile you’ve longed for. Determining what material to go with is the second.

Composite resin and porcelain are the most commonly used materials in the veneer fabrication process. In the hands of an experienced cosmetic dentist, both materials can beautifully transform your smile. But how do you know which type is right for you? This comes down to your specific needs and which factors are most important to you (cost, treatment time, etc.). Let’s evaluate some of the differences between composite and porcelain veneers.

Advantages of Composite Veneers
Composite veneers have a number of advantages over porcelain, chief among which is cost. On average, porcelain veneers are twice as expensive as composites, which is very important for some people given that most treatments are not covered by insurance, meaning you are likely paying out-of-pocket for treatment. The cost of veneers varies based on a number of factors, but composites cost on average between $250 and $1,500 per tooth. This can add up quickly in a smile makeover.

Another advantage that composite veneers have over porcelain is the fact that composites can typically be fabricated while you wait, making it a same-day treatment. Direct composite veneers (also referred to as composite bonding) are actually sculpted on your teeth rather than in an offsite lab. The tooth-shaded resin is applied to teeth directly (hence the name) where it can be shaped and sculpted by the dentist. The shaped resin is hardened using a high-intensity light, after which additional layers of resin can be applied and sculpted as needed to elicit the desired aesthetic outcome. Once finished, the resin must be polished in order to elicit a more natural, tooth-like appearance. The composite procedure therefore tends to be much less invasive and noticeably quicker than porcelain.

Arguably the biggest advantage that composite veneers have over porcelain is reversibility. Porcelain requires reshaping of your natural teeth in order to fit the veneer. When it comes to composites, minimal prep work is required on your natural teeth, meaning that they are not permanently altered to such an extent that the composite material cannot be removed and replaced as needed.

Advantages of Porcelain Veneers
Although composite veneers have a number of advantages, there is one area in which they cannot compete with porcelain: durability. Porcelain is a far stronger material than composite resin (even with the improvements in resin materials over the years). Well-maintained porcelain veneers can last 10 to 15 years, compared to the five- to seven-year average lifespan of composites. It’s important to consider this tradeoff if you’re thinking of having veneers placed. That is, while composites may cost half as much as porcelain, they last only half as long. So which is the better value?

Most dentists agree that porcelain veneers offer the most natural, tooth-like aesthetics. Porcelain has a translucent quality that is quite similar to tooth enamel. It is also highly resistant to staining and chipping due to the strength of the material and the glaze that is applied after treatment. On the other hand, composite veneers are more porous and therefore susceptible to staining, meaning that you may need to adjust your diet in order to avoid certain stain-causing foods. Composite also needs to be polished in order to achieve a tooth-like esthetic. And even then it doesn’t quite compare.

The porcelain veneer procedure is more involved, and often requires temporaries be worn while you wait for the veneers to be sculpted in a lab. However more and more dentists are embracing chairside CAD/CAM technologies that help to speed up the process by allowing for on-site fabrication. If you are looking for a porcelain veneers solution, it’s important to evaluate the sort of technologies that your dentist has available. You could end up drastically reducing the overall treatment time. Lastly, porcelain veneers offer a viable treatment solution for all cases of worn enamel, wear and tear, genetic defects, uneven teeth, etc. Composites may not be a viable option for severe concerns. For example, significant discoloration or spacing issues may not be adequately treatable with composite veneers, making porcelain your only option. Your dentist will conduct a thorough oral health evaluation as part of your consultation to determine your options.

Composite or Porcelain… What’s the Verdict?
At the end of the day, the only way to determine whether a composite or porcelain veneer solution is right for you is to speak with your dentist about your aesthetic goals and to weigh your personal considerations. In other words, what is most important to you? If you’re looking for the most cost-effective solution, then a composite veneers treatment plan will probably be a good fit. However, if you have a severe aesthetic concern, or you’re looking for the most natural and durable treatment solution (and cost is not a consideration), then porcelain veneers will give you a fantastic result.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

What Causes Tooth Staining?

Age: There is a direct correlation between tooth color and age. Over the years, teeth darken as a result of wear and tear and stain accumulation. Teenagers will likely experience immediate, dramatic results from whitening. In the twenties, as the teeth begin to show a yellow cast, whitening may require a little more effort. By the forties, the yellow gives way to brown and more maintenance may be called for. By the fifties, the teeth have absorbed a host of stubborn stains which can prove difficult (but not impossible) to remove.

Starting color: We are all equipped with an inborn tooth color that ranges from yellow-brownish to greenish-grey, and intensifies over time. Yellow-brown is generally more responsive to bleaching than green-grey.

Translucency and thinness
: These are also genetic traits that become more pronounced with age. While all teeth show some translucency, those that are opaque and thick have an advantage: they appear lighter in color, show more sparkle and are responsive to bleaching. Teeth that are thinner and more transparent – most notably the front teeth – have less of the pigment that is necessary for bleaching. According to cosmetic dentists, transparency is the only condition that cannot be corrected by any form of teeth whitening.

Eating habits: The habitual consumption of red wine, coffee, tea, cola, carrots, oranges and other deeply-colored beverages and foods causes considerable staining over the years. In addition, acidic foods such as citrus fruits and vinegar contribute to enamel erosion. As a result, the surface becomes more transparent and more of the yellow-colored dentin shows through.

Smoking habits: Nicotine leaves brownish deposits which slowly soak into the tooth structure and cause intrinsic discoloration.

Drugs / chemicals: Tetracycline usage during tooth formation produces dark grey or brown ribbon stains which are very difficult to remove. Excessive consumption of fluoride causes fluorosis (discoloration marked by the appearance of faint white marks on the teeth) and associated areas of white mottling.

Grinding: Most frequently caused by stress, teeth grinding (gnashing, bruxing, etc.) can add to micro-cracking in the teeth and can cause the biting edges to darken.

Trauma: Falls and other injuries can produce sizable cracks in the teeth, which collect large amounts of stains and debris.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Different Types of Teeth Whitening

What You Should Know About The Different Types of Teeth Whitening

Whitening trends making their way in and out of social media and commercials show us just how easy a variety of over-the-counter products can be. But there are there are many other options as well. We will briefly outline several options here to help you know what to discuss with your dentist at your next visit. (Please note that overuse of any of these products can result in tooth sensitivity, pain, and/or discoloration.)

Teeth Whitening at Home
Whitening Toothpaste
Whitening toothpaste use a variety of techniques to lighten your teeth. Baking soda, abrasives or chemicals are used to polish the teeth and/or give a reflective appearance that removes surface stains from teeth. Look for the ADA Seal of Acceptance when considering teeth whitening toothpaste.
Timeline: They can take several weeks of use to see results.
Cost: varies, but under $30 in most cases

Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Kits
Teeth whitening kits can include strips, trays and/or brushes that allow you to put a substance on your teeth for a more extended period of time than toothpaste. These kits usually contain peroxide which bleaches your teeth to reach stains deeper than surface stains. Again, look for the ADA Seal of Acceptance when considering over the counter teeth whitening solutions.
Timeline: They take about one to two weeks to see results when used daily for a few hours.
Cost: varies, but expect to pay $50-100 for an at-home kit

Natural Remedies
Natural remedies for teeth whitening include everything from eating healthier, jumping onboard a current trend, avoiding teeth staining foods and/or sugary and acidic drinks. If you smoke or use tobacco, those are your biggest culprits, so give those up for brighter teeth.

Abrasives such as baking soda or charcoal, or rinsing agents like coconut oil can have benefits, but they are really simply creating a habit of brushing and rinsing your mouth on a daily basis. The habits of brushing twice a day, flossing and rinsing with mouthwash daily, chewing sugar-free gum and seeing your dentist twice a year results in overall good oral care.
Timeline: your lifetime
Cost: varies greatly

Teeth Whitening At The Dentist
There are lots of teeth whitening options available only at a dentist office. Depending on your specific goals and needs, your dentist can recommend the options best for you. Options can include take home kits as well as in-office professional teeth whitening treatments, which can be done over a series of visits, or in one.
Having teeth whitening done professionally means there won’t be gaps in the coverage area (typical of whitening strips), nor will they be over bleached or cause damage to your gums (which can happen with in-home self-treatments).

Take Home Kits
Many dentists provide take home teeth whitening options. Options may include a ready-made kit or custom made trays with bleach. While some of these resemble the over-the-counter whitening kits, they typically contain a more concentrated level of bleach.
Timeline: Varies depending upon strength of bleaching agent, but generally one to two weeks.
Cost: Varies by dentist, but expect to spend around $150-$200

Zoom Teeth Whitening
This procedure is only available at dental offices and uses a 25% hydrogen peroxide gel in conjunction with a special lamp to whiten your teeth.
Timeline: The procedure takes about 45 minutes and results are immediate
Cost: Expect to spend about $500

Another option only available at dental offices, Boost uses a hydrogen peroxide-based power bleaching gel for removing stains with no special light required.
Timeline: Expect to spend one to two hours in the chair; results will be immediate
Cost: Again, you can expect to spend around $500

Some stains will not respond to the traditional bleaching methods; in these cases, veneers could be an option to beautify your smile.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Oral Cancer – Symptoms and Causes

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. The national campaign was initiated by the Oral Cancer Foundation to increase awareness about a disease that affects many people’s lives. In April, dental associations from across the country are coming together to spread the word about this often overlooked disease.

Oral Cancer Facts
Approximately 50,000 people will be diagnosed with oral and oropharyngeal cancers every year in the US according to the American Cancer Society.
Oral Cancer kills one person, every hour of every day in the United States.
Many who do survive suffer long-term problems, such as severe facial disfigurement or difficulties with eating and speaking.

Knowledge Is Power – What causes oral cancer?
You don’t have to be old and unhealthy to be at risk. Oral cancer is typically associated with tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and older age. Many people are surprised to find out that, due to the connection to the HPV virus, the fastest growing segment of oral cancer patients is young, healthy individuals.

Decrease your risk:
  • Quit all tobacco use. Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and chewing tobacco can cause cancers anywhere in the mouth or throat, as well as cancers in other parts of the body.
  • Reduce alcohol consumption. Drinking alcohol increases the risk of developing oral cancer. Approximately 7 out of 10 patients with oral cancer are heavy drinkers.
  • Avoid HPV. Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a sexually-transmitted disease that is linked to oral cancer. The number of oral cancers linked to HPV has risen dramatically over the past few decades. Prevent HPV with HPV vaccinations and typical STD preventative measures.
Early detection is key. Oral cancer’s high death rates are not because it is difficult to diagnose, but because it’s typically discovered late in its development. Visit your dentist on a regular basis (we recommend every six months) to be screened for oral cancer symptoms.

Oral Cancer Symptoms
  • A lump in the mouth or throat or on the lip.
  • A white or red patch on the gums, tongue, or the lining of the mouth.
  • Bleeding, pain, or numbness in the mouth.
  • A sore throat that does not go away.
  • Difficulty or pain when chewing or swallowing.
  • Swelling of the jaw.
  • Hoarseness in the voice that lasts for a prolonged period of time.
  • Pain in the ear.
Get your Oral Cancer Screening at Your Local PERFECT TEETH

Oral cancer screenings are a part of all of our new patient and routine exams. When you see a PERFECT TEETH dental professional, we evaluate your risk factors and look for signs of oral cancer.

Additionally, we’re currently testing a new early oral cancer screening product called OralID at five PERFECT TEETH practices in Arizona. This optically-based technology saved our Chief Dental Officer’s Dad’s life, and we’re excited to see how it benefits PERFECT TEETH patients.

Oral Cancer Awareness Month is an opportunity for us to remind everyone that early detection is key to saving lives. It’s also an opportunity for you to understand the risk factors and to schedule your next dental appointment in hopes of avoiding this deadly disease.

Referred from:

Monday, March 11, 2019

Teeth Problems

Missing Teeth Problems – They Might Surprise You!

Imagine not being able to eat your favorite food like a juicy steak or crunchy apple because you’re missing a tooth. Or imagine not landing that dream job because your confidence is hindered by a smile with missing teeth. Unfortunately, missing teeth problems like these impact more adults than you might think! According to the American Dental Association, the average adult has three or more missing teeth or decay that warrants a tooth to be pulled and replaced. While it may be easy to just accept missing teeth, especially if they are at the back of your smile, there are serious consequences to consider if missing teeth are ignored.

Missing Teeth Problems

Missing teeth are often the result of trauma (car or sports accidents), tooth decay, poor nutrition or gum disease. While missing teeth may just seem like a cosmetic problem that many people learn to live with, missing teeth are more than just a hole in one’s smile. They can have serious physical and psychological implications that can develop. Missing teeth problems include:

Difficulty Chewing – teeth are designed for chewing, so when teeth are missing, it makes it difficult to chew. Chewing can cause pain for the person, causing them to eat less or eat different foods, sometimes resulting in poor nutrition.
Shifting Teeth – when there is excess room around a tooth caused by a missing tooth, teeth shift. You may see them gap or crowd each other, causing greater long-term problems, including painful bite misalignment. Tooth decay may become more difficult to reach when teeth begin to collide, which puts them at greater risk to be lost as well.
Speech issues – which can be embarrassing and diminish self-confidence, just like physical appearance.
Bone loss – missing teeth can actually cause bone loss in the jaw and face due to atrophy (the weakening and decrease of tissue) causing a change in your facial structure. In most cases, this leads to looking older and the face shrinking in.
Early aging – without your teeth to support the skin around the mouth, the skin can start to sag making those with missing teeth appear older than they are.
Compromised mental health – a 2014 study found a link between missing teeth and both depression and anxiety.
Loss of confidence – a 2015 study by the American Dental Association found that 23% of people reported embarrassment and avoidance of smiling due to their missing teeth.
Missed job opportunities –that same study found 28% of people surveyed felt the appearance of their teeth affected their ability to get a job

Solutions for Missing Teeth Problems
If you are one of the estimated 178 million Americans missing a tooth (or two), you don’t have to continue suffering – there are solutions for missing teeth problems. Visiting your dentist is the first step to finding the solution for your missing teeth problems. Common solutions include:

Dental Implants: Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth or a full set of teeth (and anywhere in between). Secure and stable, they are designed to last for significant time periods and they look, feel and function like real teeth! Dental implants are almost always the best option for replacing missing teeth.

Bridges: Bridges are another possible option when only one or a few teeth are missing. A bridge will be supported by the surrounding teeth, but will eventually need to be replaced.

Dentures: Dentures are often considered a last resort in cases where dental implants are not an option. They are often uncomfortable for the patient and most patients will still experience bone loss/atrophy and the early aging associated with it.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

What Causes Bad Breath

Bad breath, we all know what it is and we’ve all been embarrassed by our own from time to time. But what causes it? Knowing and understanding what causes bad breath can help you prevent it and the embarrassment that often accompanies it. Read on to learn more about what causes bad breath and quit being afraid of getting close.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Also called halitosis, bad breath can be caused by a number of issues.

Food. Some of the foods we eat can give us temporary bad breath. Garlic, onions, coffee, spicy or fragrant foods can leave your mouth less than fresh. Brush your teeth, chew sugar-free gum, or use mouthwash for a burst of freshness.

Tobacco. Smoking and tobacco use not only cause bad breath, but they can also create oral cancers, stain teeth and irritate your gums. Consider a tobacco-free lifestyle to reduce the negative effects.

Dental issues. Bad breath can be caused by dental issues such as gum disease or cavities. Crowded teeth or ill-fitting dental appliances can also cause bad breath. See your dentist to rule out any oral care issues as a culprit.

Bacteria. Without proper brushing, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist, bacteria is not being removed from your mouth. The build-up of these sticky bacteria can lead to bad breath. By following the ADA recommendation of brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and routine visits to the dentist, you can keep bacteria in check.

Dry mouth. Lack of saliva creates dry mouth, which may be a side effect of medications, smoking, or mouth breathing or it could be a symptom of an underlying health concern. Talk to your dentist about dry mouth for the best remedies for both dry mouth and resulting bad breath.

Disease. Sinus infections, tonsillitis, respiratory issues and even diabetes can result in bad breath. Your doctor may prescribe medication for these conditions which may make a dry mouth, and resulting bad breath worse. Talk to your doctor if your side effects are problematic.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Best and Worst Foods for Healthy Children's Teeth

Best Foods for Healthy Teeth

An apple a day could keep the cavities away! Chewing apples and other crunchy, high-fiber fruits can scrub away plaque from teeth. As a bonus, this fruit is full of vitamins and minerals and makes an easy snack.

Water with Fluoride
Drinking water with fluoride is essential for the health of your child’s teeth as early as birth. Almost all drinking water contains fluoride, but some bottled varieties do not. It is always a good idea to check to make sure.

Eggs are an excellent source of calcium, protein, and vitamin D, which are important minerals for oral health. Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium, which builds and maintains strong, healthy teeth.

Milk, Cheese, and Yogurt
Milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich in calcium, casein, and phosphorus, which can protect tooth enamel. The nutrients in milk products can neutralize some of the acid produced by plaque bacteria.

Celery and Carrots
Just like apples, these crunchy vegetables contain a lot of water and require a lot of chewing which can scrub tooth surfaces. The water and fiber in these vegetables balance the sugars and help clean teeth. Also, celery has fibrous strands, making this vegetable nature’s floss!

Broccoli and Green Leafy Vegetables
Thanks to their high level of vitamins and minerals, broccoli and green leafy vegetables can provide big benefits for oral health. The folic acid found in leafy greens such as spinach and kale is known to help improve the health of teeth and gums.

Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds also make a great, mouth-friendly snack! Acids remove tooth enamel, and foods with high amounts of calcium and phosphorus, such as almonds, peanuts and cashews, can protect teeth by replenishing those minerals.

Foods That can Cause Tooth Decay and Cavities
Sugary Drinks

It’s no secret that too much sugar is damaging to your health and can cause cavities. Organisms feed on the sugar on your teeth and turn it into acid, which destroys tooth enamel and causes decay.

The acids and sugar found in carbonated soft drinks combine to cause tooth damage. Even sugar-free diet sodas can erode enamel with the acidic content. While non-carbonated sports drinks may seem like healthy options, they are still acidic and sugary.

Citrus Fruit and Juices
Citrus fruits are a source of Vitamin C and nutrients, and they are good for you in many ways. However, grapefruit and lemon, in particular, are highly acidic and can erode tooth enamel over time.
Juices, even those that claim to be 100% fruit juice, often contain high levels of sugar which can cause tooth damage. Drinking low-fat milk and water is recommended over juice.

Chewy Candy
Eating tons of sugar is bad for tooth health, and candy is full of it. It can cause cavities and get stuck in crevices in the tooth.

Extra chewy candies like taffy and caramels stick to teeth for a long time which can dissolve tooth enamel. Candies that are chewy, sugary and acidic, like sour candies, are the most damaging. Many people choose dried fruits as a healthy snack, but many dried fruits are also sticky and contain sugar. If children do eat sugary snacks, they should brush and rinse their teeth with water to clean the tooth surfaces and gums.

Chips, Bread, and Pasta
Starches made from white flour are simple carbohydrates. They break down into simple sugars in the body which can lead to tooth decay. Eating chips for a snack is not recommended, not only because they provide no nutritional value, but also because the starch in them can adhere to teeth. 

Instead of bread and pasta made with white flour, opt for whole wheat options.

Healthy Habits to Continue During Children’s Dental Health Month

Dental health starts during infancy with your child’s first tooth. By teaching your child about healthy dental habits today, you can help prevent complicated dental conditions in the future. 

1. Regular Dentist Visits
It is recommended that children be taken to a pediatric dentist at one year old or 6 months after the first tooth comes in, whichever comes first. Children should have fluoride applications at the dentist every six months.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 20% of children between the ages of two and 19 have cavities that have not been treated. Regular dentist visits, combined with a healthy diet, can lower your child’s chance of an undiagnosed cavity.
It is also important that children be weaned off bottle feeding by 12 months of age if possible to prevent “bottle rot.” Bottle rot occurs when a baby’s teeth start to decay due to long-term exposure to liquids containing sugar.

2. Flossing
Along with eating the right foods, it’s important to floss at least once per day. Flossing removes plaque from the areas between your teeth where your toothbrush can’t reach.
Once a child’s teeth start to fit tightly together, usually between the ages of 2 and 6, parents should begin to get their children into the habit of flossing daily. Children usually develop the dexterity and ability to floss on their own around the age of 10.

3. Brushing Teeth
The American Dental Association recommends brushing teeth at least twice per day to remove plaque. Your baby’s teeth need to be wiped clean after bottle feeding or nursing. Parents should use an infant toothbrush with a rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste starting at age 1. Children can increase fluoride toothpaste use between the ages of 3 to 5.
Trust Your Child’s Dental Health to UnityPoint Health

This Children’s Dental Health Month, teach your child about the importance of healthy teeth and gums. Swap out the bad foods in your child’s diet for tooth-friendly options for healthy, pearly whites.

Monday, March 4, 2019

The Importance of Dental Care to Overall Wellness

Oral health affects your life in ways that are often taken for granted. Your mouth can reflect the overall health of your body, showing signs of infection or disease before you experience other symptoms. It’s a commonly overlooked aspect of health management, but one that is crucial to your well being.

Preserving Your Pearly Whites
Preventative dental care requires only minor steps to avoid serious problems with your teeth and gums. Brushing and flossing regularly will greatly benefit your oral health, but routinely seeing a dentist is the only sure way to identify and treat problems

Prevent Serious Health Complications
The complications from a lack of dental care can extend far beyond gingivitis. There’s a proven link between gum disease and heart disease, and gum disease can also indicate a risk of preterm childbirth in pregnant women. Additionally, almost all systemic diseases have an oral component. This includes oral cancer, diabetes, and kidney disease.

Increase Confidence
A lack of dental care can become visually apparent over time. Tooth decay and gum disease can lead to the yellowing of the teeth, loss of teeth, bad breath and tooth damage. These kinds of cosmetic problems can impact your confidence and make you insecure about your appearance. Regular dental care can prevent much of this damage, and existing damage can usually be repaired.

Avoid Costly ProceduresGetting regular checkups and cleanings might seem like an unnecessary expense, but skipping them can lead to costly procedures. For example, a simple and inexpensive cavity left unchecked can grow, requiring a costly root canal or cap.

Decrease Pain
Most dental maladies manifest with some form of oral pain. A toothache usually signals a problem or infection. Intense oral pain can lead to an inability to concentrate and severe headaches. If the source of the pain is an infection, it will only get worse, and the infection can lead to serious complications.

The Checkup
At a dental check-up, your dental hygienist will check for cavities, and X-rays might be taken to determine if any cavities are present. The exam also includes a check for plaque and tartar buildup. Plaque is a clear layer of bacteria that can harden and become tartar. You cannot remove tartar with brushing, which is why it’s crucial to see your dentist prevent issues like this. There should also be an examination of the soft tissue to look for swelling, redness, and any signs of cancer.

Importance of Dental Care for a Positive Lifestyle
Maintaining good dental hygiene is vital to living a positive, healthy life. Taking charge of your health can be very empowering, and provides you with peace of mind. As is the case with all medical treatment, preventative care can save you time, money and stress.

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