Amy Dayries-Ling
DMD, FAIHM, ADA Speaker,
of the Problem:
Many dental patients exhibit oral signs that are telling of systemic health
problems. A review of how closely mouth inflammation is related to
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney disease and sleep apnea will be
reviewed. Current protocols from the
United States on efficiently screening patients for systemic diseases and
recognizing sleep issues during a dental appointment will be reviewed. This
approach to dentistry can empower a patient to better understand how their life
choices can lead them down a road to chronic disease and help them to develop
strategies that can create better overall health and wellness. With much of the
public struggling to finance preventative health care and having an education
on what supports health, this lecture will strategize how the dental
professional can positively create a significant impact on the overall health
of their patient, which leads to longevity of dental health.