Thursday, May 30, 2019

Whole body health conversations to have with patients during their next dental appointment

Amy Dayries-Ling


Statement of the Problem: Many dental patients exhibit oral signs that are telling of systemic health problems. A review of how closely mouth inflammation is related to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney disease and sleep apnea will be reviewed.  Current protocols from the United States on efficiently screening patients for systemic diseases and recognizing sleep issues during a dental appointment will be reviewed. This approach to dentistry can empower a patient to better understand how their life choices can lead them down a road to chronic disease and help them to develop strategies that can create better overall health and wellness. With much of the public struggling to finance preventative health care and having an education on what supports health, this lecture will strategize how the dental professional can positively create a significant impact on the overall health of their patient, which leads to longevity of dental health.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Restoration of endodontically treated teeth (ETT); A Complete understanding

Feras Habboub
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan

Restoration of endodontically treated teeth continues to be a challenging task for all clinical practitioners, due to various physiological alterations to their composition and remaining dentin macrostructure, endodontically treated teeth are usually left weak and friable post treatment
Therefore, it is acceptable that these teeth require exceptional management protocols to restore them to standardized form function and aesthetics.
There are different techniques, protocols, theories and materials that are applied in such cases, but careful clinical and radiographic evaluation
is always required in the first instance in order to achieve a minimally invasive preparation with maximal tissue preservation which is considered the gold standard in modern dentistry.
This lecture discusses preoperative assessment of ETT and a variety of treatment options being implemented.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Third molar-optional tooth

Maria Concepcion Parrenas

University of the East, Philippines

There is always a nagging question which heightens my curiosity on the appropriate removal of an impacted third molar in this specific situation:

What if you have a carious or beyond-repair second molar or second bicuspid? Will you try to heroically upright the mesially or horizontally impacted third molars?

Orthodontic uprighting technique for effective treatment of impacted third molars, exposed or unexposed, is described. When used with TADS along with Australian wire, .020 is the other technique that I used. The other one is with several wire mechanics without using TADS but with the utilization of some uprighting techniques that are simple and effective in positioning impacted third molars.

Uprighting of mesially tilted molars is the recommended treatment and should be done as soon as possible. If not properly corrected, mesially impacted molars may lead complications such as elongation of opposing teeth, periodontal problems on the medial side of the affected teeth, caries in the unerupted molars, temporomandibular disorders and poor oral hygiene. Some clinical procedures have been used to upright third molar are mentioned above. Is it really worth working to leave the third molar be uprighted or have it surgically removed? 

Come and witness the global gathering

27th Euro Dentistry Congress                                                       July 15-16, 2019 | London, UK It is our p...